Hair graft transplant

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Hair graft transplant is the process of transferring the donor follicle to the areas in the scalp experiencing baldness and thinning. A large proportion of people experience hair loss in very large quantities depending on age, genetics and eating habits. A healthy looking scalp is indeed a blessing for many people out there and so great care must be taken to ensure after the treatment is done all the necessary measures are observed to achieve desirable results. However hair loss is quite a common issue that most of the people all around the world face and with the advance graft treatments many of the scalp issues can be taken care of. Even though these issues are quite common and many people embrace baldness, nobody chooses to experience it. When people experience hair loss they tend to lose their self-confidence and this greatly affects their careers and relationships in one way or the other. However to encourage restoration on the scalp, no matter how much has been lost one of the best options is to undergo a transplant procedure.

Hair graft transplant Lahore

Hair graft transplant basically involves extracting healthy follicles from the areas of the scalp and transplanting them to the other areas where follicles are no longer producing. Graft is a term used to describe a strip of skin that contains hair. Grafts can be extracted anywhere from the body but they are most preferably taken from the scalp. The reason why scalp is the best donor area for graft extraction is because it is sustainable and holds the tendency of giving the desired results. The size and shape of the graft depends on the High-tech machinery, tools and other surgical instruments that are used. Grafts are basically formed by the removal of tissue for the area from where follicles are being extracted from. The purpose of this removal is to take a small amount of tissue that holds the ability to encourage growth to be transplanted to an area of the scalp that cannot. This tissue containing follicle can be taken out from the area that is donating in a strip or all at the same time. This particular procedure is called FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)


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Hair graft transplant is undoubtedly a very effective procedure for those suffering from baldness issues. For this purpose there are certain factors that need to be considered while ensuring that grafts survive the transplantation. Studies have shown that these producers cannot survive dehydrated atmospheric conditions; hence they must be kept in a liquid solution like saline. Saline gives them the necessary moisture that they require at all times. In addition to this the maintenance of temperature assists in keeping the follicles chilled and this would help avoid any damages that are likely to occur. Follicles after they are extracted from their donor area lose the amount of oxygen that they require for a proper functioning and so maintenance of oxygen is top requirement. Hair transplant clinic Lahore is using cooler or chiller especially made for grafts temperature to keep low around 4 degree.

Hair graft transplant is a very natural way of getting back the attraction of the scalp previously lost. This treatment is a way to ensure an attractive physical appearance that is sure to turn heads. People undergoing this treatment ought to remain confident when it comes expecting results from it. The depression of losing hair could be intense and so one tries the best he can to make sure that the treatment he receives is effective and long-lasting. This procedure does not fail to impress us with its long-lasting results. Although it will take time for the result to work its wonders on the recipient usually 8 to 12 months but all of this is worth the wait.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is hair graft transplant procedure available in Lahore Pakistan?

Yes our clinic is performing this procedure for the last 21 years and producing excellent results. The whole procedure is performed by a foreign qualified specialist Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry. To get free check up or consultation call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999

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