Hair transplantation is a minimal invasive technique to get back your lost hair naturally. It is a surgical method that includes the transfer of individual follicles from a healthy area, usually the back or sides of the head and commonly called as the donor site, to a bald or thinner recipient site. Hair transplantation is equally benefited to all types of hair. Donor grafts can be harvested by using either technique called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) respectively. The surgeon, first, analyzes the scalps of a patient and then recommends the best hair loss treatments accordingly. Basic information about hair transplant donor area healing, regrowth and shock loss. How to avoid these complications of over harvesting of donor area is answered here.

 Donor area after Fue hair transplant

In Fue procedure, donor grafts are extracted directly from the scalp in a follicular unit, containing one to four hairs. This micro removal uses tiny punches in between 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm in a diameter on the donor site. Now several inquiries arise in the mind of the patients as to whether the donor site will grow the hair back?  Do they require transplanting the donor site as well? Or do they fail to cure their baldness?

Fue hair transplant donor area regrowth

FUE donor area Regrowth

Have some patience as all your queries will be resolved in a short while. The incomplete answer is “No” because the whole grafts and the round around cells are removed in entirety from underneath the scalp surface. Therefore, hair re-growth in the donor site is not feasible at all. It is suggested that there is not a direct answer to the aforesaid queries. It certainly links with the accumulation of several components which concludes whether the donor site will grow further hair after the hair restoration procedure.

Fue hair transplant success rate

The surgeon plays a key role in this procedure; therefore, the selection of the practitioner really counts. Since all the techniques are critical to success and, therefore, must be carried out in the expert’s supervision. Fue hair transplant success rate is more than 98% in expert and experienced hands.

Fue Donor Area Healing

As we know that the follicles are extracted in each of the aforementioned techniques, hence, the doctor carefully analyzes the donor area and chooses the thicker part of the site from where the grafts to be harvested. Then extraction and removal of the required number of hair follicular units from the donor area. The remaining hair will properly cover the tiny patches so that the donor site will not look to be bald or even thinner.

Hair transplant donor area shock loss or thinning

Another important aspect of donor site regrowth would be an adequate diet habit. The growth of hair substantially depends on the diet. Therefore, you should follow a balanced diet and also drink plenty of water so you keep hydrated. The balanced diet will boost the metabolism and immune system which is prone to hair loss further. The health of scalps is also an indicator to the regrowth of hair at the donor site. The healthier the scalps, the more likely they will be grown. The surgeon chooses the healthy scalps, instead of thin or weak scalps, for hair transplantation which will be able to grow further hair. Over harvesting donor areas may give shock loss after Fue or FUT hair restoration procedure. Too much aggressive harvesting for more than 4000 to 5000 grafts can give shock loss or thinning of the donor area for future life.

While concluding, it is recommended that you can safely undergo the Fue hair transplant by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry in Lahore Pakistan without any sort of hesitation with regards to the regrowth of the donor area.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to the FUE hair transplant donor area?

If a smaller size punch is used for extraction, the donor area will heal quickly and become normal and natural.

Is there a possibility of experiencing baldness or thinning in the donor area after undergoing an FUE procedure?

Yes, it is now common if your doctor over-harvests the grafts. Normally , it’s greediness from the patient or doctor side to get maximum grafts in a single session. Our donor area is limited and can not cover whole baldness in one session. To cover NW class 6 or 7 baldness , 2 to 3 procedures are required. The possible causes of thinning or baldness spots in the donor area 
1- Over harvesting by the inexperienced doctor 
2- Collateral damage or trauma which gives hair transplant shock loss 
An experienced , skilled hair restoration surgeon will never cross the limits and he will examine your donor area density and recipient area measurement. After getting these two basic information , your doctor will let you know whether one procedure is enough or you need second or third procedures as well. 

What will happen to the FUT hair transplant donor area?

There will be linear scars permanently all your life. This technique is more painful and gives you numbness for a few weeks to few months.