Hair transplant Lahore patient

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Hair transplant Lahore patient got his first session or procedure in the frontal half of head. As the patient had advanced male pattern baldness called Norwood class 6 so definitely he needs two procedures to cover the whole area.  Previously he used a non-surgical replacement system but due to maintenance issues, he got fed up and decided to get a follicular unit extraction procedure. Our customer contacted us through WhatsApp and got a free consultation. He also visited two other clinics and decided to get this procedure from Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry.

Fue hair transplant Lahore patient details

Procedure date  26 Jan 2022
Age  32 years 
Baldness  Norwood class 6
Technique  Micro FUE
Punch size  0.8 mm
Plan  To cover frontal half 
Surgeon  Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry
Contact  +92-333-430-9999


Wilson baldness


Hair loss treatment Wilson


Fue hair transplant Lahore patient


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