Transplanted hair fall out initially after the procedure due to trauma and new blood supply establishment. No need to worry during this stage as its temporary shedding phase. Do you know what hair falling out is all about? It is also known as shedding. It is a normal function in which you shed a maximum of 100 hairs every day. Hence you should know a considerable difference between the normal shedding and the post-operative shedding of the transplanted grafts.
The whole hair function will go through in the form of the cycle where the shedding is made out of catagen, anagen, and telogen stages. This whole cycle is very much random as compared to the hair growth cycle of few other mammals.
The anagen phase is also known as the active phase which lasts for a maximum of 3-6 years. In this phase, your hair will grow at the length of 1cm every 28 days. The Catagen phase is known as the transitional phase which will last for a maximum of 3 weeks. Almost 3% of the hairs are present in this phase. Telogen Phase is also known as the resting phase in which most of the shedding will occur. You will find 8% in this phase which will last for a maximum of 100 days. At this time, almost 100 of your hairs will be shed.
Does DHT affect transplanted hair?
All those follicles which are not affected by the DHT are the ones that are at the sides and backside of the scalp. It is very much common among men. If these are the follicles that have been used for the implantation will behave in the same manner as to where they have been transplanted.
So in short, the simple answer will be yes! They are not at all prone to any sort of effects of baldness or DHT.
Why does hair shed after transplant?
Shock loss is most commonly caused due to the trauma of the hair restoration treatment. This will cause your native hairs to shed temporarily. The majority of the male and females will face due to the trauma. But due to the outlook appearance of the Dermal Papilla, new hairs will grow back. It will take some time for the new hairs to grow back at various rates.
How long does shock loss last after a hair transplant?
It will probably last for a maximum of 3-4 months after the hair restoration treatment. Shock loss has been very much rare which almost 5% with all the cases combined is. Hence 99% of the shock loss cases have been temporary where these will return after 3 months.
Can you go bald again after a hair transplant?
The majority of the men are always in the fear of getting bald after the surgical treatment. As we talk about the restoration treatment, new strand will grow and the old one will shed away. For the transplanted hairs it is very much common but for the existing sensitive to the DHT hormone thinning is still very much possible.
When can I touch transplanted hair?
After the surgery, for at least 3-4 days you have to touch the grafts very gently with your fingertips. Do not take too much shower. You should completely avoid catching the grafts through your fingernails. Plus, you can use sprays or the mousses at least once a week but make sure it should be washed on daily basis.
How you can Reduce Hair Shedding After a Hair Transplant?
We all know that you cannot avoid the situation of shock loss or shedding. But if you are crossing through such situations, then we have the two best solutions for you shared below:
· Timing &Size of Hair Transplant
Many patients pick to have a hair transplant in Lahore at the onset of the problem or when they have good-sized miniaturization. When sufferers take this type of approach, their hair regularly ends up looking thinner than it did earlier than the method used to be carried out due to the fact the development of shedding was once now not taken into account.
Another strategy would be to wait till a later date after the hair loss has been stabilized with a process like Hair Regeneration. It is additionally critical for the health care provider to cautiously decide an appropriate wide variety of grafts required for the favored place of insurance and the estimated wide variety of grafts reachable in the donor area.
· Camouflaging Products
Patients can choose cosmetic camouflaging products that can often disguise the physical evidence of shedding or thinning. These all products cover up balding areas using adding volume and yet lift to the base of the human shafts. This will also incorporate hair building fibers for complete fuller coverage or thickness, and hence employing topical shading to simply disguise bare spots on the top of the scalp.
Transplanted hair fall out between 3 to 6 weeks and these will grow naturally three months after the procedure. Those who want to contact with an expert may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999