Fue hair transplant recovery time step by step pictures in Lahore hair clinic
Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry performed Fue procedure in Lahore. Patient Mr. Zaheer came from the United Kingdom for his frontal area restoration. Hair restoration in the UK is almost 70 % higher as compared to in Lahore. Mr. Zaheer came to visit Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry for initial consultation a few days earlier from his procedure. His procedure was performed on 4th Aug 2015 and transplanted follicles will start to grow after three months from procedure. When we compare fue procedure versus strip method , then follicular unit extraction procedure recovery time is twenty four to forty eight hours.
Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry extracted 2672 grafts by Fue method and transplanted them in the frontal area called zones 1,2 and 3. The procedure started at 10.00 AM and completed 4.00 PM. It took 6 hours to transplant 2672 grafts by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry along with his experienced team.
Frontal hairline was designed in an irregular way so that it would look natural. It is the policy of our clinic to transplant thick or dense frontal packing so that when hair will grow , these would be thick and dense.
What is the fue hair transplant success rate?
Fue procedure has the same success rate as strip procedure. Those clinics which claim strip procedure has more success rate , avoid getting procedure from such clinics. Follicular unit extraction procedure is being performed in all leading countries of the world. All developed countries opted for this technique. Though strip procedure exists in developed countries but rarely performed in this era of technology. Sometimes there is some percentage of damage while extracting from the donor area in Fue procedure. Hair doctors who have started newly will damage your follicles in higher percentage but experienced surgeons and doctors would lessen this damage. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry has more than 22 years experience of hair loss treatment, and surgical hair restoration. You can trust competency , skill, qualification and experience. If you can just search for hair transplant before and after results, testimonials, reviews and what other patients say about Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry, You will be convinced and book a FREE consultation with him.
Fue procedure cost in Lahore is not high and easily affordable. Do your research and see maximum Fue hair transplant results photos performed in Lahore.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many hours will it take for recovery?
Normally it will take 48 to 72 hours for recovery.
Can we speed up recovery?
Yes, if a surgeon will use a micro size punch, recovery and healing will be rapid. PRP also speeds up recovery.
Fue hair transplant recovery is just healing or regrowth of hair in the donor area?
Donor area healing will take a few days to weeks. Extracted grafts from the donor area will be transplanted to the recipient area. However grafts are taken in such a manner that after a few weeks nobody can detect it.
How to get an appointment from the best surgeon in Lahore?
To get an appointment for FREE check up, you may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999
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